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What is a complex permanent residence application?

If your application is complex, it may take us longer than normal processing times to process your application.

Your application may be more complex if the contact information on file (address, telephone, email) is outdated and we can’t contact you or a family member

Your application may be more complex if requested more documents and they weren’t submitted on time, or at all

Your application may be more complex if your dependant(s) turned 18 since you applied

Your application may be more complex if you added dependant(s) to your application since you applied

Your application may be more complex if your dependant(s) got married and/or had children of their own since you applied

Your application may be more complex if you provided legal documents to confirm a change to your marital status, or about child custody

Your application may be more complex if you or your family member were asked to resubmit a medical exam because one expired (exams for every person must all be valid at the same time)

Your application may be more complex if you or a family member were asked to appear for an interview

Your application may be more complex if you or a family member might not be eligible

Your application may be more complex if background checks are still in progress for you or your family members

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